Why I left my last relationship

I was in my last relationship for just over a year. It was my first relationship, so I had no idea what to expect. The first 6 months were amazing and showed me how to love and care for someone in a different way than what I already knew. The last 6 months, however, I decided I was unhappy. I was caught up in this idea of what my ‘perfect relationship’ was but felt so saddened as this didn’t align with my reality. I thought I was content, satisfied and happy…but soon came to realise that I was in love with the idea of the relationship, I wasn’t in love with him. At first, I thought I was being selfish and had no right to be ungrateful but then I found my mental health regressing more than it was progressing, and that was the moment I knew I couldn’t settle for less than what makes me undeniably happy; so I chose me instead. I broke off the relationship and put all of my energy into my physical and mental health, my relationships with family and close friends, and most importantly my relationship with myself. I formed a whole new love for myself and soon realised that I could not rely on someone to bring me happiness. I had to be happy on my own and have faith that the right person was out there for me and add to my existing happiness and self-love. Now having found that person, I can say that every bit of hurt and uncertainty I felt was worth it in the end. I am happy in my relationship, but I am still happy when I’m by myself. I have found my confidence back, and my relationships with everyone around me are the healthiest they have ever been.